2024 Mugairyu Taikai - Yokohama
The following are photos from a week of training and competition in Yokohama for the 12th International Mugairyu Taikai hosted by the Yokohama Mugaikai. Looking forward to next year's event.
Looking forward to next trip for more instruction.
Taikai Sign.
Banners and head table.
Konishi Soke addressing the competitors.
With Konishi Soke and American kenshi - Keyan, Kurt and Yoshi.
With Kusa Sensei - great instructor!
With Nomura Sensei - who was sick and soldiered on to make the event a success.
With Yamashita Sensei - incredible embu performance at the start of the taikai. Was a highlight.
Celebrating a successful taikai!
Members of the Yokohama Mugaikai - come join us!
We had several training sessions at the Kanagawa Budokan - first time to this facility. It was a fantastic place to train - beautiful.
Kanagawa Budokan.
Courtyard inside the Kanagawa Budokan - to the left is the back wall of a full Kyudo range.
The kendojo at Kanagawa Budokan - great space to train.
International members for pre-taikai training.
Nomura Sensei giving some insight into technique.
Little details are important!
Looking forward to next trip for more instruction.
Taikai Sign.