On October 15, 2023, a taikai was held in Himeji for Mugairyi Iai Hyodo. The following gallery shows highlights of the training, social events, taikai and sightseeing activity. Join us for a future event!
Tour group for Himeji Castle.
Pre-taikai training at the Yokohama Budokan. Excellent facility.
Pre-taikai training at the Yokohama Budokan.
Post training dinner - excellent Lebanese restaurant.
Post training dinner - fantastic Okinawan restaurant. Live traditional music was a nice surprise.
Social dinner in Himeji before the taikai. Yokohama Mugaikai with Konishi Soke.
Taikai banner at the event - Nakagawa Mugai Shinden Mugairyu Iai Hyodo Kokusai Taikai.
John with Nomura Sensei, and San Diego Mugairyu members Yoshi Satoh and Keyan Jafari. The three took second in the Dantaisen event.
Yokohama Mugaikai members after a very successful showing in Himeji.
Kurt Brown from Washington D.C. had a tremendous event winning the Soke Cup and grand champion of the taikai.
We took a tour of Himeji castle the day after the taikai. Very interesting - not a luxurious castle - this was a working fortress.
Visited the gardens next to Himeji Castle and had a very nice lunch.
Tour group for Himeji Castle.
Pre-taikai training at the Yokohama Budokan. Excellent facility.