The 12th Mugairyu International Taikai was held on Sunday, November 17, 2024 in Yokohama, Japan. There were pre-taikai training on November 13 - 15, as well as a training session led by Konishi Soke on November 16. A very successful event - see HERE for a brief photo gallery of the week. Join us in Japan in 2025!


January 13, 2024: The new dojo in Magnolia, Texas held an opening event and embu. Many members of Yokohama Mugaikai and US Mugairyu Iai Hyodo groups attended, including Nomura Sensei and Kurt Brown Sensei. A full account of the event is on the Kenshinkan Dojo website External link opens in new tab or windowHERE.

A photo gallery of the Mugairyu Iai Hyodo highlights can be found HERE. Join us now to get started!

Welcome to Magnolia Mugaikai - the Texas Study Group for Mugairyu Iai Hyodo under the External link opens in new tab or windowYokohama Mugaikai.